A T R A Trail Ride for ‘Little Warriors’
Saturday May 17th, 2025
Between 1978 & 2019, ATRA’S 41 Cancer Rides raised $1,322,380. Our 42nd ride was in aid of the Little Warriors “Be Brave Ranch” and though, due to Covid, the ride could not take place, pledges and donations totaled $4000. Our last three charity rides were in aid of the Little Warriors Bringing ATRA’s total raised for charity to $1,345,962.00
45th Trail Ride Details:
Come join us and make this another successful trail ride fundraiser initiative.
Once again this year we again have chosen to support Little Warriors as our charity. Little Warriors is a national, charitable organization focused on the awareness, prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse. You can learn more about Little Warriors, the Prevent It! workshop and the Be Brave Ranch at littlewarriors.ca.
Note: This year is a Poker Ride - prizes for top 3 hands . Participants will draw a playing card (or cards if more than one hand purchased) at five checkpoints, 1st checkpoint is registration, 3 checkpoints along the designated and flagged trail route, last checkpoint is back at staging/registration area.
Little Warriors Poker Ride Location: Fort Assiniboine Sandhills Wildland Provincial Park
The ride will consist of a designated and marked route within Sandhills Park. For overnight arrangements contact Allison Dower directly by email. Water is available for horses - bring your own bucket.
All riders must have collected donations for or make a personal donation to, Little Warriors. Little Warriors needs your help to continue to raise awareness, offer prevention workshops and treat children at the ‘Be Brave Ranch’. A minimum donation of $50 per rider is required.
Provided at no cost by ATRA:
• A continental style breakfast
• After ride BBQ ~ provided by Sangudo Firefighters
All donations of $25 and over receive a tax receipt. All registrants receive one free poker hand. Additional hands are $5 each or 3 for $10. Every donation makes a significant difference to help prevent and treat child sex abuse. Help us support the work of Little Warriors.
Exciting Stuff: Enjoy prizes, a silent auction and a 50/50 draw!.
Schedule: May 17 - Saturday ‘Little Warriors Poker Ride’
8:00am - 11:00am : Registration – required by all riders -
Continental style breakfast provided at no cost. - Ride out at your own leisure but follow designated route - There will be 3 checkpoints along the designated and flagged route that you must check-in at. - Join in with other riders or head out on your own. Don’t forget to pack a lunch!!
11:00am - 4:00 pm : Marked trail open with 3 check- in stations
4:00pm - 4:30 pm : Make sure to check in at Registration upon returning to staging area
5:00pm - 5:30 pm BBQ – Burgers/Hot Dogs - provided at no cost
Saturday Evening Join us around the campfire!
-Sunday Enjoy more great riding and explore more of the beautiful trails….
Collect your money and record your pledges on a hard copy sponsor form that will be emailed to members and will be available on our website and will also be available at the next in-person general meeting. Official tax-deductible receipts will be emailed/mailed out after the ride by the Little Warriors organization.
When you arrive, you must have your sponsor sheet/s and donations. We recommend you make a photocopy of your pledges for future reference or if there are any problems. You are encouraged to have your sponsorship in cheque payments to minimize work and reduce the chance of theft of cash. For more Sponsor Sheets: Photocopy as necessary.
Printable Pledge Forms Available:
For more information or if you encounter issues contact Allison Downer by email. or Cindy Hanas by email.
For Online Donations: For the Online donation option, follow this link: Little Warriors Online Donations (https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/little-warriors/p2p/ATRAtrailride24) and follow the below simple steps:
• Next: Riders/non riders collecting donations, go to the fund raiser page at above link and then go to the "Fundraiser Tab" (shown circled below in red 'Fundraiser(1)') to create a profile and Name (it should be your name) you then will have a unique link that you can send out to your contacts to raise money.
The Details Package here and at the bottom of the page has a specific example if you are confused. If you encounter any issues please contact: Allison Downer by email.
The Alberta Trail Riding Association practices and promotes good horsemanship. The safety and well-being of all riders and horses is paramount, particularly in an event of this size.
This is to be a pleasure ride for everyone so for the safety of all, do not ride off the designated trail or practice ‘training exercises’ that could upset other horses.
Please read the following requirements:
Absolutely no alcohol, smoking or littering on the Trail.
The minimum age for any horse entering the ride is three (3) years of age - well-mannered and in good condition. With numerous riders, this may not be the best ride for an inexperienced rider and/or green horse, especially after a long winter layover.
No crowding of horses. Please leave a minimum of one-horse length between you and the horse in front of you. We reserve the right to request that a rider and horse be withdrawn during the ride due to poor manners or unsafe horsemanship.
We also request that kickers and stallions be identified. with a red ribbon on the tail. Ribbons are available at registration. Stallions must be double tied.
The services of an on-call veterinarian will be available at the owner’s expense in case of unexpected injury. No dogs allowed on the trail; they must be leashed at all times in staging areas.
Do not bring a horse that shows any sign of illness.
Helmet use is highly recommended.
Horseshoes are not required. For directions to the ATRA Little Warriors Poker Ride location contact: Allison Downer by email.
Relevant Printable Forms:
2025 Little Warriors
Pledge Form
Poster (For Sharing)